REQUIREMENTSMatric 1-2 years experience in creditors and administration Excellent communication skills to deal with suppliers Computer literacy skills Neatly presented and a team player to grow in the company
All purchases orders (other than for despatch) to be produced in Pastel by the Employee and authorised by the relevant individuals. All communication with Suppliers regarding orders to go via the Employee. The Employee to obtain any quotations for purchases as requested by Management. Purchases orders will be received in writing from all departments (either via purchase order note or email) and these must be ordered from the suppliers timeously. A Goods Received Note must be completed on receipt of goods and attached to the Supplier invoices. All Supplier invoices must be thoroughly checked against actual goods received. Only goods received to be GRNd The Employee to advise Suppliers of any deliver issues All Supplier invoices received to be handed over to the accounts department daily. To take minutes of meetings as required (e.g. Sales Meeting minutes). Relieve Receptionist for tea and lunch times.
Salary: R12 000 cost to company
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12 Mar 2025;