Your Purpose...- Managing the preventative maintenance and state of repair to equipment and facilities
- Managing action plans/projects to the required standard.
- Managing maintenance plans & suppliers to within budget.
- Managing the maintenance team to achieve desired results
A1 Maintain and repair plant
- Follow preventative schedule for HVAC
- Communicate faults and action plans to CGM/Ops and Regional MM
- Use maintenance log in system on intranet for faults
- Adhere to downtime as stipulated on intranet
- Be hands on and repair faults where possible
A2 Maintain and repair premises
- Liaise with landlord/contractors on issues/repairs
- Be hands on and repair and maintain where possible according to brand standards.
A3 Maintain and repair gym equipment
- Complete and fax/email downtime reports to relevant contractors.
- Ensure completion of preventative maintenance as per contractor stipulations
- Maintain a history of equipment maintenance and preventative schedules
- Be hands on, repair and maintain equipment according to brand standards
A4 Inspect club to establish daily maintenance tasks
- Do visual inspection via walkabout.
- Check job book, MOD checklists and fitness checklists.
- Check pool and enter results on pool log.
- Action tasks as per brand standards RAP sheet.
- Follow up all maintenance related issues on the Hey Manager cards.
- Schedule tasks from preventative maintenance schedule.
- Liaise with CGM/Ops Manager on affects to operations in club.
A5 Ensure pool maintenance completed.
- Ensure pool checked and pool key readings recorded according to operating standards.
- Ensure inspection of weirs conducted.
- Ensure pool dosed according to readings.
- Ensure backwashing falls within pressure parameters.
- Ensure pool internal and external maintained and repaired to brand standards.
- Ensure temperatures displayed.
- Liaise with Ops/CGM and RMM as required.
- Ensure dosing systems do not run dry
A6 Manage health & safety requirements in the club
- Manage your department to work within the health & safety requirements.
- Familiarise yourself with the OSH Act.
B1 Assist in ensuring that brand standards are maintained
- Conduct regular brand standard checks.
- Assist in developing RAP.
- Assist GM/Ops to manage the RAP to conclusion.
B2 Manage projects to conclusion
- Ensure compliance to job specs.
- Ensure work areas left in condition found.
- Manage contractor to adhere to health and safety standards.
- Liaise with relevant parties.
- Sign off contractors job card on completion if satisfactory and quality checked.
- Follow up on snag lists.
- Refer snags/issues to Regional Maintenance Manager.
C1 Ensure maintenance of Club is within budget.
- Liaise with CGM on budget constraints/availability.
- Ensure all repairs/costs/quotes to within budget.
C2 Control and maintain stock levels
- Ensure there is sufficient stock available at all times.
- Follow e-procurement system with the assistance from CGM/Ops using preferred suppliers and authorisation systems.
- Check quality and delivery of orders.
- Ensure stock control systems in place.
D1 Manage team to achieve scheduled tasks
- Priorities and set timelines for team with tasks.
- Adhere to quality control standards.
- Follow up and check completed tasks.
- Establish understanding of task and correct tool application.
- Distribute tasks equitably in team including tasks to yourself.
D2 Manage staffing compliment
- Ensure staff adequately trained to deliver on functional/operational needs.
- Ensure communication on all company initiatives/launches.
- Manage shift rosters/leave cycles.
- Induct staff on operational needs
- Have a succession plan.
- Be available for call outs/ telephonic assistance.
- Assist and comply with any lawful and reasonable requests from manager.
- Managing the preventative maintenance and state of repair to equipment and facilities
- Managing action plans/projects to the required standard.
- Managing maintenance plans & suppliers to within budget.
- Managing the maintenance team to achieve desired results
- Follow preventative schedule for HVAC
- Communicate faults and action plans to CGM/Ops and Regional MM
- Use maintenance log in system on intranet for faults
- Adhere to downtime as stipulated on intranet
- Be hands on and repair faults where possible
- Liaise with landlord/contractors on issues/repairs
- Be hands on and repair and maintain where possible according to brand standards.
- Complete and fax/email downtime reports to relevant contractors.
- Ensure completion of preventative maintenance as per contractor stipulations
- Maintain a history of equipment maintenance and preventative schedules
- Be hands on, repair and maintain equipment according to brand standards
- Do visual inspection via walkabout.
- Check job book, MOD checklists and fitness checklists.
- Check pool and enter results on pool log.
- Action tasks as per brand standards RAP sheet.
- Follow up all maintenance related issues on the Hey Manager cards.
- Schedule tasks from preventative maintenance schedule.
- Liaise with CGM/Ops Manager on affects to operations in club.
- Ensure pool checked and pool key readings recorded according to operating standards.
- Ensure inspection of weirs conducted.
- Ensure pool dosed according to readings.
- Ensure backwashing falls within pressure parameters.
- Ensure pool internal and external maintained and repaired to brand standards.
- Ensure temperatures displayed.
- Liaise with Ops/CGM and RMM as required.
- Ensure dosing systems do not run dry
- Manage your department to work within the health & safety requirements.
- Familiarise yourself with the OSH Act.
- Conduct regular brand standard checks.
- Assist in developing RAP.
- Assist GM/Ops to manage the RAP to conclusion.
- Ensure compliance to job specs.
- Ensure work areas left in condition found.
- Manage contractor to adhere to health and safety standards.
- Liaise with relevant parties.
- Sign off contractors job card on completion if satisfactory and quality checked.
- Follow up on snag lists.
- Refer snags/issues to Regional Maintenance Manager.
- Liaise with CGM on budget constraints/availability.
- Ensure all repairs/costs/quotes to within budget.
- Ensure there is sufficient stock available at all times.
- Follow e-procurement system with the assistance from CGM/Ops using preferred suppliers and authorisation systems.
- Check quality and delivery of orders.
- Ensure stock control systems in place.
- Priorities and set timelines for team with tasks.
- Adhere to quality control standards.
- Follow up and check completed tasks.
- Establish understanding of task and correct tool application.
- Distribute tasks equitably in team including tasks to yourself.
- Ensure staff adequately trained to deliver on functional/operational needs.
- Ensure communication on all company initiatives/launches.
- Manage shift rosters/leave cycles.
- Induct staff on operational needs
- Have a succession plan.
- Be available for call outs/ telephonic assistance.
- Assist and comply with any lawful and reasonable requests from manager.
07 Mar 2025;