Junior Boekhouer Is jy 'n georganiseerde, pligsgetroue en veelsydige individu wat graag 'n loopbaan in finansies en administrasie wil bou? Het jy 'n sterk aandag aan detail en 'n vermoë om verskeie take gelyktydig te hanteer? Hierdie is 'n wonderlike geleentheid om deel te vorm van 'n ondersteunende en familie-georiënteerde omgewing.
📍 Ligging: Highveld, Centurion
💰 Salaris: R12 000 – R17 000 per maand (na gelang van ervaring)
🕒 Werksure: Maandag – Vrydag (oortyd mag vereis word)
📊 Beskikbare Posisies: 1
📅 Begin Datum: So gou as moontlik
Die primêre doel van hierdie posisie is om die Finansiële Bestuurder by te staan met kern finansiële take, die Menslike Hulpbronne Bestuurder te ondersteun met administratiewe menslikehulpbronne-take, en die Operasionele Bestuurder by te staan met produktake. Verder sal die Junior Boekhouer algemene kantoorpligte hanteer, insluitend ontvangs en die verkryging van voorrade. Die rol vereis veelsydigheid en die vermoë om meerdere verantwoordelikhede gelyktydig te bestuur.
Finansiële Afdeling:
Prosesseer krediteure-fakture, doen rekonsiliasies en berei betalings voor.
Prosesseer debiteure-fakture en volg op met kliënte oor uitstaande betalings.
Hanteer kontantboeke en rekonsilieer transaksies.
Plaas maandeinde-joernale in die grootboek.
Verskaf algemene administratiewe ondersteuning in die finansiële afdeling.
- Tydige en akkurate voltooiing van finansiële rekonsiliasies en verslae.
Menslike Hulpbronne (HR) Afdeling:
Voer maandelikse kontrole uit op petrolkaarte, doen rekonsiliasies en stel salarisskedules op.
Help met menslike hulpbronne-administrasie, insluitend werknemersrekords en werwingsprosesse.
Operasionele Ondersteuning:
Versamel en laai maandelikse "helpdesk"-versoeke vir die ondersteuning-span.
Trek maandelikse faktureringsverslae en dien dit in vir goedkeuring.
Help met jaarlikse VPI-verhogings en onderhoudsaanpassings.
Bied algemene kantoorondersteuning en help met die daaglikse bedrywighede.
Ontvangs en Kliënteverhoudings:
Hanteer besoekers en skakel hulle deur na die regte persone.
Bestuur die kantoorskakelbord en stuur oproepe deur soos nodig.
Aankope en Algemene Kantoorbestuur:
Hanteer aankope van kantoorbenodigdhede, verversings en ander benodigdhede.
Bestuur en beheer klein kasgeld.
Minimum vereistes, vaardighede en eienskappe:
Minimum 3 jaar ondervinding in boekhouding en algemene administrasie.
- Diploma in Rekeningkunde of 'n verwante veld.
Ervaring in Pastel en Microsoft Office is noodsaaklik.
Sterk pligsgetrouheid en aandag aan detail is uiters belangrik.
Moet foute kan identifiseer en regstel.
Moet 'n hoë vlak van verantwoordelikheid en selfstandigheid toon.
Eie betroubare vervoer en 'n geldige bestuurslisensie is verpligtend.
Bereid om oortyd te werk indien nodig.
Vermoë om in 'n familie-georiënteerde, ondersteunende omgewing te floreer.
💡 As jy op soek is na 'n stabiele en belonende loopbaan waar jy kan groei en leer, wil ons jou graag ontmoet!
Doen nou aansoek – jou toekoms begin hier!
Junior Bookkeeper
Are you an organized, conscientious, and versatile individual looking to build a career in finance and administration? Do you have a strong attention to detail and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously? This is a fantastic opportunity to become part of a supportive and family-oriented environment.
📍 Location: Highveld, Centurion
💰 Salary: R12,000 – R17,000 per month (depending on experience)
🕒 Working Hours: Monday – Friday (overtime may be required)
📊 Available Positions: 1
📅 Start Date: As soon as possible
Key Responsibilities:
The primary purpose of this role is to assist the Financial Manager with core financial tasks, support the Human Resources Manager with administrative HR duties, and aid the Operations Manager with production-related tasks. Additionally, the Junior Accountant will handle general office duties, including reception and procurement of supplies. The role requires versatility and the ability to manage multiple responsibilities simultaneously.
Finance Department:
- Process creditor invoices, perform reconciliations, and prepare payments.
- Process debtor invoices and follow up on outstanding payments from clients.
- Manage cash books and reconcile transactions.
- Post month-end journals in the general ledger.
- Provide general administrative support to the finance department.
- Ensure timely and accurate completion of financial reconciliations and reports.
Human Resources (HR) Department:
- Conduct monthly checks on fuel cards, perform reconciliations, and prepare salary schedules.
- Assist with HR administration, including employee records and recruitment processes.
Operational Support:
- Collect and upload monthly "helpdesk" requests for the support team.
- Generate monthly billing reports and submit them for approval.
- Assist with annual CPI increases and maintenance adjustments.
- Provide general office support and assist with daily operations.
Reception & Client Relations:
- Welcome visitors and direct them to the appropriate individuals.
- Manage the office switchboard and transfer calls as needed.
Procurement & General Office Management:
- Handle the purchasing of office supplies, refreshments, and other necessities.
- Manage and control petty cash.
Minimum Requirements, Skills, and Attributes:
- At least 3 years of experience in accounting and general administration.
- Diploma in Accounting or a related field.
- Experience with Pastel and Microsoft Office is essential.
- Strong sense of responsibility and attention to detail is critical.
- Must be able to identify and correct errors.
- Must demonstrate a high level of accountability and independence.
- Own reliable transport and a valid driver’s license are mandatory.
- Willing to work overtime if required.
- Ability to thrive in a family-oriented, supportive environment.
💡 If you're looking for a stable and rewarding career where you can grow and learn, we'd love to meet you!
Apply now – your future starts here!
Prosesseer krediteure-fakture, doen rekonsiliasies en berei betalings voor.
Prosesseer debiteure-fakture en volg op met kliënte oor uitstaande betalings.
Hanteer kontantboeke en rekonsilieer transaksies.
Plaas maandeinde-joernale in die grootboek.
Verskaf algemene administratiewe ondersteuning in die finansiële afdeling.
- Tydige en akkurate voltooiing van finansiële rekonsiliasies en verslae.
Voer maandelikse kontrole uit op petrolkaarte, doen rekonsiliasies en stel salarisskedules op.
Help met menslike hulpbronne-administrasie, insluitend werknemersrekords en werwingsprosesse.
Versamel en laai maandelikse "helpdesk"-versoeke vir die ondersteuning-span.
Trek maandelikse faktureringsverslae en dien dit in vir goedkeuring.
Help met jaarlikse VPI-verhogings en onderhoudsaanpassings.
Bied algemene kantoorondersteuning en help met die daaglikse bedrywighede.
Hanteer besoekers en skakel hulle deur na die regte persone.
Bestuur die kantoorskakelbord en stuur oproepe deur soos nodig.
Hanteer aankope van kantoorbenodigdhede, verversings en ander benodigdhede.
Bestuur en beheer klein kasgeld.
Minimum 3 jaar ondervinding in boekhouding en algemene administrasie.
- Diploma in Rekeningkunde of 'n verwante veld.
Ervaring in Pastel en Microsoft Office is noodsaaklik.
Sterk pligsgetrouheid en aandag aan detail is uiters belangrik.
Moet foute kan identifiseer en regstel.
Moet 'n hoë vlak van verantwoordelikheid en selfstandigheid toon.
Eie betroubare vervoer en 'n geldige bestuurslisensie is verpligtend.
Bereid om oortyd te werk indien nodig.
Vermoë om in 'n familie-georiënteerde, ondersteunende omgewing te floreer.
- Process creditor invoices, perform reconciliations, and prepare payments.
- Process debtor invoices and follow up on outstanding payments from clients.
- Manage cash books and reconcile transactions.
- Post month-end journals in the general ledger.
- Provide general administrative support to the finance department.
- Ensure timely and accurate completion of financial reconciliations and reports.
- Conduct monthly checks on fuel cards, perform reconciliations, and prepare salary schedules.
- Assist with HR administration, including employee records and recruitment processes.
- Collect and upload monthly "helpdesk" requests for the support team.
- Generate monthly billing reports and submit them for approval.
- Assist with annual CPI increases and maintenance adjustments.
- Provide general office support and assist with daily operations.
- Welcome visitors and direct them to the appropriate individuals.
- Manage the office switchboard and transfer calls as needed.
- Handle the purchasing of office supplies, refreshments, and other necessities.
- Manage and control petty cash.
- At least 3 years of experience in accounting and general administration.
- Diploma in Accounting or a related field.
- Experience with Pastel and Microsoft Office is essential.
- Strong sense of responsibility and attention to detail is critical.
- Must be able to identify and correct errors.
- Must demonstrate a high level of accountability and independence.
- Own reliable transport and a valid driver’s license are mandatory.
- Willing to work overtime if required.
- Ability to thrive in a family-oriented, supportive environment.