We are looking for a person or persons who want to earn extra income by buying our meat, The meat is from our farm , we offer both beef and sheep mutton, then slaughtered at abattoir , we can then cut the meat and package for u at registered butchery , we are looking for pesons that want to grow a good business and income for themselves , u can imagine if u move 100kg a day or maybe 500kg a week and u take a R5-kg commission , BUT WE WANT u to sell 8000kg a week soon !!!!
We have a good product , and u only pay for your meat once u receive it and inspected it when we deliver to u , so no nonsense. We will deliver to your nearest town. This is for a dedicated person that wants to take things in own hands and grow.
If u grow then we wont sell to anybody near your area. Or take over all the sales and grow with us , we buy butcheries and a bigger farm , u own a good piece of,
First step please just tell me a bit of yourself .