Purpose of the Role:
This role is for supporting the Director of the firm in rendering Tax Advisory and dispute
resolution to Taxpayers. This role involves advising on tax implications of business activities or
transactions from a perspective of applicable Tax Acts and structuring for various requirements
of clients. Additionally, the role involves representing Taxpayers in challenging assessments/
decisions of Tax Authorities through internal forums, the Tax Court (up to the Constitutional
Court where required), and the Tax Board.
Responsibilities are but not limited to:
• Consultations with Taxpayers and identifying tax issues/problems.
• Independently designing/formulating effective solutions and implementing same.
• Conducting legal research and drafting memorandums/tax opinions / Tax structures
and or presentations.
• Drafting and compiling detailed briefs to Advocates or Academics required to comment
on tax questions.
• Reading and interpreting financial statements and or accounting records of businesses
and engaging with accountants to solve for taxpayers.
• Reading and interpreting assessments / any documents imposing tax issued by SARS
and formulating appropriate responses to it and advising the Taxpayer.
• Tax research and drafting including submission of dispute resolution documents which
are but not limited to disagreement with audit findings, objections, appeals, attending
ADRs, preparing for trial, appearing in the Tax Court with Counsel, and attending
meetings at SARS.
• Advising on all aspects of Tax Acts being but not limited to Income Tax Act, Value
Added Tax Act, Customs and Excise, Tax Administration Act, Securities Transfer Tax
Act and its Admin Act, Transfer Duty, Estate Duty, Mineral Resources Royalties Act.
• Tax due diligence and drafting tax due diligence report.
• Designing tax-efficient corporate structures and rendering advice on how to save tax.
• Exceptional ability to diagnose problems and design solutions for such problems within
the tax law framework.
• Tax Risk identification and mitigation.
• Strong commercial/business acumen.
• Creative and positive mindset with strong attributes of lateral thinking.
• In-depth understanding of tax law, regulations, and the updated changes in legislation.
• Strong critical analysis skills to handle complex legal and tax issues.
• Strong negotiation skills and ability to handle and resolve complex negotiations.
• Self-confidence and independent thinking abilities.
• Developed and stable mental and emotional strength to handle cases involving
substantial tax debts and complex tax disputes/transactions.
• Strong work ethic and commitment to serve Taxpayers.
• Own initiator with the ability to guard the interest